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Sustainable Agric Transformation

a group of people standing around a table with coffee beans
a group of people standing around a table with coffee beans

Beyond-Fair Organics, we are dedicated to empowering African farmers through sustainable agriculture practices. Our mission is to create a positive social impact by basing the entire production chain of specific crops in the origin country. By focusing on crops like coffee, cocoa, tea, nuts, and more, we tackle major challenges such as post-harvest waste and the lack of adequate income among farmers, resulting in billion-dollar worth products.

Our business model goes beyond fair trade, as we believe in fair prices for top-grade products. By offering fair prices, we enable farmers to earn a sustainable income and improve their livelihoods. This approach not only reduces poverty but also creates better job opportunities from farm to market. We work closely with local communities, providing fair wages, safe working conditions, and opportunities for education and skill development.

green grass field with smoke
green grass field with smoke
brown and white polka dot chocolates
brown and white polka dot chocolates
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